desk explores (and breaks) the limits of Street Fighter V’s juggle mechanics

A look into Street Fighter V’s juggling system, and how far it can be pushed.

Keeping your opponent’s character in the air with a series of hits is called “juggling”–well-known, of course, to the fighting game faithful. Most fighters have a built-in “juggle limit,” to prevent (or at least reduce) infinite juggle combos.

In their latest video, desk examines Street Fighter V’s own juggle system, using a Guile combo as an example: while SFV’s strict juggle limits won’t allow a Sonic Boom or a Somersault Kick to both connect after a juggle–only one, or the other–it will allow both attacks to connect if they happen to land on the same frame. Several setups that allow you to slip multiple attacks into the same frame this way are demonstrated by desk, below. Limits are made to be broken!

Source: desk



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