Does Ed’s story mode tease upcoming DLC fighters for Street Fighter V? Who is the “Fortune Teller”?

We may have some significant clues as to who will join Street Fighter V in the future.

As we get closer to the official launch of the new Street Fighter V patch and content tonight, naturally we’re getting some previews of what’s incoming to our game as players dig it out of the patch a bit early. We’ve already heard some new stage themes. However, dataminer X-Kira has posted Ed’s character story mode to YouTube–and the images reveal some interesting new faces. Spoilers below (of course)!

Ed encounters a number of new characters in his story mode, most notably a mysterious Fortune Teller with a great interest in him–somewhat reminiscent of Rose. What’s notable about this character at this point is how much she resembles one of the remaining silhouettes in the Season 2 lineup:

sfv ed story mode fortune teller 1
sfv ed story mode fortune teller 2

sfv season 2 silhouettes ed

As much as she looks like the second-last outline, we’ve been fooled before–Ed’s playable model is much different than his original story mode appearance. There’s also this…

sfv ed story mode ending

Mysteries upon mysteries–who are all of these strange characters? Is a playable psycho-powered gorilla in Street Fighter V’s future?! We’re left with nothing but speculation at this point, until Capcom reveals more of their plans. You can check out Ed’s full character story mode in X-Kira’s video below.

Sources: SDL-Miyuki-Chan; @agomi79



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