FGC Philosophy sits down with FGC coach iHai, talks about the journey of learning Tekken

FGC Philosophy sat down recently with Detroit’s Tekken teacher iHai to talk about Tekken 7‘s accessibility, meta, and how to improve through peer practice.

Full disclosure: When I was a little Crow_Scrubboy in the world of Tekken, one of the first sets of high level game-play I ever saw was iHai vs. Joshimitsu in Detroit. Prior to that I had never seen Korean back-dashing, knew frame data, tiers, or any of the series’s history — and despite my overwhelming ignorance, iHai was patient and forthcoming in explaining the game’s mechanisms and theory in a way I could understand. If you’re looking for an excellent analytical mind in the world of Tekken tournament play, make sure you watch the interview above, and check out iHai’s twitch stream!

Source: FGC Philosophy



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