Full Patch Notes Released for Ultra Street Fighter IV’s 1.04 Update

While we’ve known for some time that the next Ultra Street Fighter IV patch will include balance changes, only now do we know what those will entail. Below, you’ll find full translations for the notes provided through NESiCA earlier tonight, so check them out and let us know what you think.


Close Stand HK Recovery increased from 15F to 17F; hit- and block-stun on standing opponents increased by 3F; hit- and block-stun on crouching opponents increased by 2F; Second hit now EX Focus-, EX Red Focus- and Super Combo-cancellable.
L Hadoken projectile speed slightly reduced.
H Hadoken projectile speed slightly increased.


Crouch MK hitbox and hurtbox returned to Ver.2012 state.
L, M, H Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku cannot be plinked input with P button, can no longer perform an Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku that keeps momentum with this method.

E. Honda

Crouch LP damage increased from 40 to 50.
Crouch LK damage increased from 30 to 40.
EX Hundred Hand Slap now automatically moves forward, regardless of directional input.
Orochi Breaker (UC2) command changed from Double Rotation + PPP to 63214×2 + PPP; damage increased from 450 to 500.


Close Stand MK bug where counter-hit damage was received after attack start-up fixed.
Crouch MK start-up reduced from 5F to 4F; advantage on hit reduced from +5F to +4F; Pushback on guard, hit reduced.


L Banishing Flat horizontal travel distance reduced; pushback on hit increased
EX Banishing Flat now forces stand on hit.


Flash Explosion (UC1) invincibility time increased from 1-6F to 1-9F.


4+LK recovery reduced from 8F to 7F; advantage on hit increased from +2F to +3F


Crazy Buffalo (SC) and Violent Buffalo (UC1) bug where, on air hit, Delay Stand was not possible on all but the last hit fixed.
Dirty Bull (UC2) command changed from Double Rotation+PPP to 63214×2+PPP


L, M and H Rolling Crystal Flash bug that caused the hit-stun time on counter-hit to be the same as on normal hit fixed; bug where the SC Gauge build of the last hit was doubled fixed
EX Rolling Crystal Flash bug that caused the hit-stun time on counter-hit to be the same as on normal hit fixed; bug that caused SC Gauge to increase when done without the claw fixed


Forward/Neutral Throw bug that caused the throw escape window to be 1F shorter than other normal throws fixed.
Tiger Cannon (UC2) air hit damage increased from 255 to 303.

M. Bison

Forward/Neutral Throw bug that caused the throw escape window to be 1F longer than other normal throws fixed.
M Double Knee Press first hit pushback reduced, easier for EX Red Focus to connect

C. Viper

Emergency Combination (SC) command changed from 214214+P to 236236+K; bug where Delay Stand was not possible when the move did not connect fully fixed.
Burst Time (UC1) bug where Delay Stand was not possible when the move did not connect fully fixed.

El Fuerte

L, M, H and EX Guacamole Leg Throw bug where Delay Stand was not possible if the first hit traded fixed.


Close Stand HK mid (overhead) attack damage increased from 30 to 70; stun increased from 50 to 100; advantage on hit reduced from +5F to +2F


Vitality increased from 800 to 850
Diagonal Jump MK bug where counter-hit damage and stun would be taken during the move’s motion fixed.


L, M, H and EX Hadoken attack start-up reduced from 14F to 13F


Forbidden Shoryuken (SC) bug where Delay Stand was not possible when the move did not connect fully fixed
Denjin Hadoken (UC2) stun value scaling when selecting Ultra Combo Double increased from 65% to 75%; bug where under certain conditions, the stun value scaling was 100% fixed.


M Spin Drive Smasher (SC) bug where Delay Stand was not possible if the last hit connected grounded as a counter-hit fixed.

Fei Long

Rekkashingeki (UC1) non-cinematic last hit damage reduced from 165 to 140.


EX Shunpukyaku first through third hits force stand on hit; pushbox expanded downward, no long flies past the opponent
EX Hadoken projectile speed now changes according to the button combination pressed to activate (for first level of charge only); recovery after the attack reduced by 4F, total frames reduced from 48F to 44F.


EX Soul Spiral chip damage increased from 30 to 33.



Crouch MP damage increased from 60 to 70
L, M H Hyakurenko recovery reduced from 18F to 17F
Zan’ei (SC) damage increased from 250 to 400
Shitenketsu (UC2) first hit now locks the opponent into the cinematic on air hit; fixed bug where the move’s properties changed when done as a reversal, cancelled from pre-jump motion, etc.


L, M, H and EX Gadoken attack start-up reduced from 14F to 13F


Forward/Neutral Throw bug that caused the throw escape window to be 3F shorter than other normal throws fixed.
L Condor Spire attack start-up increased from 11F to 15F
M Condor Spire attack start-up increased from 14F to 17F
M Tomahawk Buster changed from 1 hits to 2 hits, first hit causes grounded hit-stun and forces stand; damage changed from 150 to 90*60; stun changed from 200 to 150*50; first hit now EX Focus-, EX Red Focus- and Super Combo-cancellable

Dee Jay

Far Stand HP now knocks down on counter-hit on crouching opponents, as it does on standing or air counter-hit
L Double Rolling Sobat is now invincible below the knee until the end of active frames; advantage on block reduced from -3F to -4F.
EX Jackknife Maximum first hit hitbox expanded downward, easier to connect on low state opponents
EX Machinegun Upper horizontal knock down distance on hit reduced.


Crack Kick (6+HK) attack start-up reduced from 15F to 14F
Zonk Knuckle charge time levels changed from 60F, 90F, 120F to 60F, 120F, 190F; Lv2 and Lv3 now throw-invincible until the end of active frames; Lv3 knock down after hit changed from unjuggleable to juggleable; Lv3 knock down height after hit lowered
EX Criminal Upper strike invincibility increased from 1-6F to 1-7F
M and H Dead End Irony (SC) bug where Delay Stand was not possible when the move did not connect fully fixed.


Backhand Punch (far from opponent HP → HP) bug where the move could be cancelled on whiff fixed.
Yoroitoshi (UC1) bug where on non-cinematic air hit, Delay Stand was not possible fixed.


6+HK bug where delay stand was not possible fixed.
Abare Tosanami (UC2) bug where on air hit Delay Stand was not possible when the move did not connect fully fixed.


Close Stand MK bug where counter-hit damage was received after attack start-up ended fixed
Far Stand HK can now only be used in air combos for the second hit only
Jaguar Varied Assault (SC) bug where on air hit Delay Stand was not possible when the move did not connect fully fixed.


Crouch LP recovery reduced from 8F to 6F; advantage on block increased from ±0 Fto +2F; advantage on hit increased from +3F to +5F; when oiled only, can now be chain-cancelled
Diagonal Jump MK when oiled only, hitbox expanded backward, easier to cross-up


Close Stand LP hitbox during Feng Shui Engine made the same size as when done normally
Close Stand MK first hit forces stand; 1-6F are grounded and throw-invincible
H Fuhajin projectile attack no longer hits crouching opponents
L, M and H Fuhajin rising kick attack SC Gauge build reduced from 20 to 10; projectile attack SC Gauge build increased from 20 to 30 on hit, 10 to 15 on block


Far Stand LP hit effect during Gen’ei Jin on air counter-hit changed from air reset to knock down
L Tetsuzanko stun reduced from 200 to 100; SC Gauge build adjusted from 30 to 20 on activation, 60 to 30 on hit, 30 to 14 on block
EX Zesshou Hohou advantage on block reduced from +1 to -1


Crouch MK bug that caused the hit-stun time on counter-hit to be the same as on normal hit fixed

Evil Ryu

Vitality reduced from 950 to 900


EX Goshoryuken second hit now EX Focus-, EX Red Focus-cancelled on block (in addition to on hit)
L Rakan Dantojin damage increased from 110 to 120; stun increased from 130 to 150
Airborne Raging Demon (SC) bug where on air hit trade, Delay Stand was not possible fixed


Hurtbox during crouching hit-stun, crouching neutral and crouching guard expanded
Pre jump motion bug where certain special moves could not be activated during the motion fixed
Special Move Priority changed. If Lynx Tail and Scratch Wheel inputs overlap, Scratch Wheel activates.
Crouch LP hitbox expanded to the thigh of the attacking leg
Crouch MK hitbox and hurtbox expanded to the foot tip area
Jump HK bug where counter-hit damage was taken after attack start-up fixed
L Scratch Wheel attack start-up reduced from 6F to 3F
H Scratch Wheel third hit hitbox expanded downward
L, M Scratch Wheel bug where counter-hit damage was taken after attack start-up fixed
L, M and H Scratch Wheel first hit now forces stand on hit
M Lynx Tail first hit pulls in the opponent on hit and guard
H Lynx Tail first through third hits pull in the opponent on hit and guard; bug where Delay Stand was not possible for grounded opponents fixed
L, M and H Lynx Tail hitbox expanded forward and upward
M Rhino Horn bug where counter-hit damage was not taken during start-up and Elena would receive the damage in a grounded crouch fixed
L, M, H and EX Rhino Horn first hit only now hits crouching opponents
EX Mallet Smash advantage on block reduced from -4F to -5F
L, M, H and EX Spin Scythe bug where during the motion, if the opponent dashed into Elena’s back, the dash would past through Elena fixed


Close Stand HK stun reduced from 200 to 150
Far Stand MP active frames increased from 3F to 5F
Far Stand HP second hit hitbox slightly expanded upward; SC Gauge build reduced from 60*60 to 30*30 on hit, 30*30 to 15*15 on block
Diagonal Jump HP bug where counter-hit damage was taken after attack start-up fixed
EX Patriot Circle now moves slightly forward before the first hit completes start-up
L, M, H and EX Patriot Circle bug where when hitting certain counter moves, Patriot Circle would win fixed
L, M and H Stinger knife attack 1F hitbox expanded downward
L, M and H Mekong Delta Attack hit effect of the roll attack changed from knock down to grounded hit on counter-hit; advantage on hit increased from -2F to +2F
EX Mekong Delta Attack roll attack advantage increased from -10F to -5F; hit effect of all but the last hit changed from grounded hit to knock down
EX Mekong Delta Air-Raid 1-10F after activation changed from projectile-invincible to strike- and projectile-invincible; additional attack advantage reduced from -3F to -5F
Minesweeper (SC) bug where buffer input didn’t register during reversals fixed


Vitality reduced from 100 to 950
Hurtbox during standing and crouching hit-stun expanded
Pre jump motion bug where certain special moves could not be activated during the motion fixed
Back Throw no longer registers during negative edge input
Close Stand HP bug where counter-hit damage was taken after attack start-up fixed
Far Stand MP bug where counter-hit damage was taken after attack start-up fixed
EX Aeolus Edge now easier to connect on point-blank opponents
L, M, H and EX Whip of Love hitbox greatly expanded
L, M and H Love Me Tender damage changed from 90*100 to 70*80; on whiff only, recovery increased from 16F to 19F
EX Kissed by a Goddess first hit hitbox expanded
Poison Kiss (UC2) throw range expanded


Dizzy motion hurtbox appears at the same time as the normal rising motion
Stand LP recovery reduced from 11F to 7F; advantage on hit increased from +2F to +6F, advantage on block increased from -2F to +2F
Stand MP bug where counter-hit damage was taken after attack start-up fixed
Crouch HK pushbox moved backward
H Moonsault Press damage increased from 220 to 250; stun increased from 150 to 200
L, M and H Moonsault Press counter-hit damage before throw start-up removed
L, M, H and EX Giant Palm Bomber hurtbox from wrist to tip now projectile invincible until the end of active frames; Hugo’s hurtbox during the move changed; pushback on hit slightly increased; when nullifying projectiles, the attack still occurs
EX Shootdown Backbreaker damage reduced from 180 to 160; horizontal travel distance during descent reduced
L, M, H and EX Shootdown Backbreaker input reception time made the same as other moves, less likely to occur accidentally
L, M, H and EX Ultra Throw counter-hit damage before throw start-up removed
L, M, H and EX Meat Squasher counter-hit damage before throw start-up removed
Hammer Mountain (SC) now fully invincible until the end of active frames of the first hit


Far Stand LP, Crouch LP can be cancelled into Rapid Dagger on whiff and chain-cancel
Far MP attack start-up reduced from 7F to 5F
Crouch HP now EX Focus-, EX Red Focus- and Super Combo-cancellable.
EX Psycho Sting forward movement distance during the move increased; block-stun increased by 4F, after EX Focus Cancel → Forward Dash is now -1F on block.
L, M, H and EX Psycho Sting respective invincibility increased from 1-5F to 1-8F
L, M, H and EX Rapid Dagger hit-stun and block-stun of the second to last hit increased by 4F; block-stun during rapid attacks increased, easier to connect as continuous block
EX Spiral Arrow damage reduced from 160 to 120
EX Scramble (LK+MK) timing when Decapre disappears and follow-ups are possible changed from 13F to 7F.
EX Razor Edge Slicer now projectile-invincible until the end of active frames
DCM (anti-ground), DCM (anti-air) (UC2) when inputs overlap, priority is give to the anti-air version.

Ultra Street Fighter IV’s 1.04 update will be available on Monday, December 15. It will also include the highly-anticipated Omega remix mode and grant players the option to purchase the next set of alternate costumes.

Source: NESiCA




