James Chen talks Evo 2017, Dragon Ball FigherZ, and the importance of passion in the FGC with theScore eSports

If you were tuned into the Evolution 2017 Street Fighter Grand Finals, there’s no doubt that you witnessed commentator James Chen burst into tears in response to Tokido proclaiming that “fighting games are great.” theScore esports caught up with James Chen post-Evo to get a grasp of exactly what he was feeling in that moment, and also to have an extensive chat about all things FGC.

Regarding Evo, James Chen expresses his love for what the biggest fighting game tournament in the world has become. Specifically, he appreciates how fans are easily able to interact with players and commentators without any red tape, and how such interaction is essential to the spirit of the fighting game community as a whole.

James also shared his thoughts on Dragon Ball FighterZ, which he believes will bring a lot of “new blood” to the competitive scene, and describes the game’s potential as “gigantic”. He also makes a good point of how the character recognition of Dragon Ball Z characters rivals that of the cast of Street Fighter and, with that more considered, it could potentially dethrone Street Fighter as the main attraction for tournaments in the future.

When it comes to fighting games, a community veteran such as James always has something valuable to add to the conversation. Check out his full interview with theScore below.

Source: theScore esports



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