Japanese Skullgirls Encore Fans Get a Taste of Arcade Port During First Location Test

Skullgirls Encore recently had its first arcade location test in Japan this past weekend at Akihabara Hey! and Taito Station in Osaka. The public demonstration was well-attended by both veteran players from the home versions as well as newer players wanting to try the game out.

One such veteran, Fychan, took the time to record some offscreen match footage from the location test in Akihabara. The game itself was also being broadcast from monitors around the arcade, making it easy to capture footage.

The game itself was based on the same build that is currently out for the home versions. That said, many players, including Fychan, noticed a bit of slowdown during certain moments as the aging Type X2 boards struggled to cope with the game.

In response to this, Lab Zero Games’ Mike Zaimont stated that the slowdown will be fixed, citing the necessity of location tests such as this to work out the kinks.

Andrewr, the primary developer working on the port, also addressed the issue, saying, “When I was testing the build that’s being used in the location test, I didn’t have any slowdown on my own TypeX2 testing unit. There are a couple of things that could have caused this. Either way, I’ll be getting a lower spec TypeX2 (or throttling my existing one) for when I’m testing Skullgirls, so that I can make sure there is enough performance headroom for actual arcade machines that are throttled down or lower spec. ” He continued by saying that multiple options are available to them in fixing the slowdown, resulting in only minor changes to the visual quality.

Whether or not these fixes will get tested in a second batch of location testing is as of yet unknown. In the meantime, check out Fychan’s photos from the location test below.


Sources: Fychan, Mike Z, andrewr




