Learn to Play Guile in Street Fighter V with Viscant’s Latest Edition of “Hit the Ground Running”

With Guile now out for Street Fighter V on PlayStation 4 and PC, many are likely wondering what this newest appearance means for the returning character. It’s this question and more that BROKENTIER’s Jay “Viscant” Snyder addresses in the latest edition of his “Hit the Ground Running” article series.

The first thing that Viscant notes is how some of Guile’s traditional buttons have slightly less range in Street Fighter V. This includes traditionally strong buttons such as crouching forward kick as well as his aerial normals.

Viscant also identifies some of Guile’s notable command normals that every player will want to learn, including Backfist (towards and fierce), Step Kick (neutral or back and roundhouse), Straight Punch (back and fierce), and Sobat Kick (back or towards and forward kick). These moves either act as crush counters, or move Guile forward while still keeping him relatively safe. Sobat Kick also allows for a combo on counter-hit, making it more useful than in previous games.

As for his Sonic Boom, based on the frame data, it’s arguably the best normal projectile in the game. Guile’s booms take only 38 frames of animation, compared to the other characters whose projectiles have over 40 frames of animation. Also, with +8 frame advantage on hit, Guile can always combo into a sweep as long as hes close enough.

His Flash Kick on the other hand is not a true reversal, except for the EX version. However, each version of the move comes with projectile and throw invulnerability during the relevant early frames, meaning that they will work in situations where you don’t need a true reversal.

Of course, that’s just some of what Viscant talks about. Head on over to BROKENTIER to read the rest of the article.





