Prepare for Cooler’s arrival in Dragon Ball FighterZ with this developer stream breakdown from rooflemonger

A closer look at what Cooler will be capable of.

Anticipation is still rising for the next warrior to step into the battle in Dragon Ball FighterZ: Cooler! And we’re only just starting to get closer looks at how he’ll play in-game, after his Evo 2018 reveal. rooflemonger caught the recent developer stream featuring the character, and in the video below he breaks down what we can determine about Cooler’s gameplay from the footage shown.

Bandai Namco recently dropped a new trailer to keep you hyped up for this chilling fighter’s impending arrival. We don’t know when that will be yet — or have any confirmation of who will be entering the fray alongside him, since Dragon Ball FighterZ DLC characters have always been released in pairs so far. Stay tuned!

Source: rooflemonger



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