Red Bull Conquest Qualifier streaming live from ESA Oakland featuring SFV: AE, GGXrd: Rev 2, and Tekken 7

The northern California competition is heating up once again for the Red Bull Conquest Qualifier, which will be streaming live from Esports Arena Oakland later today at 12:00 PM PST. The featured games on hand will be Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition, Tekken 7, and Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2.

With over 200+ registrants competing across all three games, this is by far the largest Red Bull Qualifier event this year so far. Notable names attending today will be RBlSnake Eyez, CYG BSTlPR Balrog, TempolAlex Myers, PHlLPN, XSK_Samurai, Jimmy J. Tran, Ghodere, MClGcYoshi13, Ultima, and more. All of these players will be competing not only for cash and prizes, but first place for each game earns the players a spot for the National Finals that take place in Washington, DC.

If you’re in the Bay Area, spectating is free for this event. Come by to check out some of the most amazing high level fighting game action in the state! If you can’t make it out, don’t worry — you can still catch the stream below:

Watch live video from redbullesports on

Sources: Rick the Hadou (Twitter),, PandoraHouse (Twitter), Red Bull Conquest (website), Red Bull Esports (Twitch channel), ESA Oakland (Twitter)



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