Sajam shares his thoughts on his first week working with the ELEAGUE Street Fighter V Invitational

Depending upon who you talk to, TBS’s ELEAGUE may have been given to the FGC via a wish from a monkey’s paw. On one hand, the major television production is the realization of years of hard work and scene-growing. We have an FGC-centered TV show with a major network’s budget. No one five years ago would have guessed something like that could happen to us.

On the other hand, some decried the quiet, empty production stage, the wasted time between sets, and even the tournament format itself. A vocal movement has made it clear that they feel ELEAGUE is a watered-down representation of the FGC. All parties involved, staff and viewers alike, were treading into unfamiliar territory, unsure of how to make this strange new thing work. As ELEAGUE progressed though, changes were clearly made on the fly, and the show gained more energy with each new attempt. If, by day four, it seemed like the show had found its footing, there was likely good reason for that, as Stephen “Sajam” Lyon reveals in a blog on ELEAGUE’s site:

For starters, everyone has been constantly asking for feedback about how they can do something true to the community. The biggest concern from the start is that they wouldn’t create something that really captured the spirit of the FGC. They encouraged us at every second to offer our criticisms, even if it would make their jobs more difficult. I can’t say they’ve been able to accommodate every possible change, but the lengths they’ve gone to have definitely surprised.

Sajam’s behind-the-scenes blog is surprisingly earnest and optimistic, even while admitting the production’s struggles from the start. To read more of his current impressions on working with TBS, check out the full blog post here.

How are you feeling about ELEAGUE thus far? Has its progress brought the hype you were looking for?




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