Skullgirls Encore Arcade Location Tests Scheduled for November 28-30 in Japan


Last year, it was revealed that Skullgirls would appear in Japanese arcades courtesy of Taito’s NESiCAxLive network. While it was originally scheduled to release in August 2013, that month and those that followed came and went without any updated information about the title. Fortunately, news broke today that should definitely reignite the hopes of the indie fighter’s eastern following.

According to a recent announcement, Japanese publisher M2 will be holding special Skullgirls Encore location tests at Osaka’s Taito Station and Akihabara Hey in Tokyo the weekend of November 28. This will allow fans to get their hands on the port and provide feedback on how well it has transitioned from consoles to arcade.

While no word has been given as to when Skullgirls Encore will officially release in arcades, this is definitely a huge step towards achieving that goal.

Source: M2 via Skullheart, tips via JJK and Zid




