Sonic Fox Shows Off the Power of Street Fighter V’s F.A.N.G in these Sets with NuckleDu, Alex Valle, and Filipino Champ

It’s no secret that F.A.N.G is regarded as one of the weaker characters currently in Street Fighter V. However, a few players, such as Kindevu, YOMI|Dieminion, RZR|Xian and cR|Sonic Fox have shown some of the latent potential of Shadaloo’s self-proclaimed Number Two, utilizing the Poison Hand master’s wide array of muti-hitting normals, Ryobendas, and a seemingly endless assault of Nisikyakus to pepper their adversaries with unavoidable poison damage as they struggle to break through his full-screen zoning game.

At Final Round, Fox eliminated NuckleDu from the event, besting his Nash 2-0 to send him packing at 9th place, while he continued to Top 8. Recently, he and NuckleDu met online for a Final Round runback, but this time in a Battle Lounge first-to-ten!

He has also battled other top players, such as Level Up’s Alex Valle and Panda Global’s Filipino Champ.

With big events like CEO and, of course, Evo looming, this is a great way to see what a generally rare character at this point in the game’s life is capable of at the highest level of play.

Source: FGCKunimitsu-Kitsune and XusesGB  Matches originally streamed on ZSonicFox




