Street Fighter V is Coming, Exclusive to PlayStation 4 and PC

UPDATE – You’ll find a mirror video below, along with some choice screenshots provided by MGS_WILL.

Awhile back, Capcom mentioned that they would be making announcements at Capcom Cup. Well, we now know what one of those announcement will most likely be, and it’s a big one–Street Fighter V is coming, exclusively to PlayStation 4 and PC.

Because of its restriction to one home console, it’s also likely this title was meant to be revealed at PlayStation Experience this weekend.

A teaser was posted early this morning, though it appears to have been a mistake, since the video is now private. We’ve included it below just in case it happens to go live again but, for now, feel free to go crazy in the comments.

Sources: Capcom, tips via Nap1400, pjay, Rampage, srt4mike




