Super Smash Sisters Heads to Sweden for Beast 6

After their debut at Genesis 3, the Super Smash Sisters series will be traveling to Sweden’s Beast 6 next month for another go-around.

For those out of the loop, Super Smash Sisters was established as an experiment, focused on all-women crew battles, to test community reaction. Their goal was to provide a welcoming space for female Smashers of various skill levels to participate in competition, learn from their peers, and encourage new players to experience Super Smash Bros. Melee.

And going by Lil “milktea” Chen’s recap of the event, they definitely succeeded.

This next iteration will be hosted by a whole new group of ladies, but is set to feature the same exciting crew battle format of its predecessor. Registration instructions have been detailed here, and feel free to also check out the original announcement if you’re interested in taking part.

Beast 6 is scheduled for February 19-21 in Gothenburg, Sweden. More info can be found on their official website.

Source: Beast 6




