Twitch Sending FGC|Pepeday and Poongko to Canada Cup 2014


This weekend, Canada Cup Gaming will be putting on yet another installment of their popular Canada Cup tournament series. Previous events have been known to attract a large number of foreign competitors, sometimes to the detriment of its organizer, and this year’s looks to be no different thanks to a very different benefactor.

Canada Cup Gaming has announced over the past few days that Twitch will be flying in two very special competitors to take part in Canada Cup 2014. Recent upstart Pepeday, who represents Japan’s Fukuoka Gamers Club, is set to show off his smothering El Fuerte yet again, and alongside him will be South Korean competitor Poongko, whose Seth play has also been known to pressure some high-level talent in his time.

This will give both players the opportunity to qualify for next year’s Master Series, which will see previous Canada Cup champions, special invites, and others return to the northern country to compete in Ultra Street Fighter IV for a $20,000 CDN prize pool.

Canada Cup 2014 is scheduled to take place this weekend, November 7-9, in Calagary, Alberta, Canada.

Source: Canada Cup Gaming




