What “Illuminati Secrets” Are Capcom Hiding in Street Fighter V?

Perhaps Urien isn’t the only one with a hidden costume?

Capcom posted this to Twitter earlier today, and asked a single cryptic question:


The clear “differences” in question are the absence of costume components on both Necalli and Chun-Li’s Capcom Pro Tour outfits–Necalli’s coat and Chun-Li’s feather boa. This has lead to speculation that the modified costume is selectable by a button-press code, in the same way Urien can switch to his Street Fighter III look (hence the suspicious “Illuminatisecrets” hashtag); however, the reduced life bars have led others to consider that the costume parts have been “knocked off,” in a sort of battle damage.


So far, no one has confirmed publicly which–if either–of these ideas is correct, or indicated a successful in-game replication; it is possible that whatever feature Capcom is teasing here may not even be part of the latest patch, and instead bound for a future update. We’ll be keeping an eye out for the answer!

Thanks to Isaac for the tip.

Source: Street Fighter (Twitter)




