More insight into the Capcom Pro Tour’s current #1 competitor in 2018.
He won Evo 2017, and came close to also taking Capcom Cup in the same year: Echo Fox|Tokido is a force to be reckoned with in Street Fighter V, currently holding the most CPT points (PG|Infiltration a fairly close second). He’s on track to make another impressive showing on the Capcom Pro Tour in 2018. BornFree caught up with him at Combo Breaker 2018 for a pair of extensive interviews!
In Part 1 of his interview, Tokido talked about his loss at Kemonomichi 2, and how he’s adjusted his outlook on training and competing. In Part 2, Tokido talks about his loss to MenaRD at Capcom Cup 2017 (he lacked confidence going into the match-up, and MenaRD is really good at adapting to his opponents). He also talks about the importance of breaks and resting in training, the “fun” of balance patches, the history players should be building for the FGC as we move into esports (a focus on love of the game, not money), and his famous “real Raging Demon” pop-off vs. Clakey D. at SoCal Regionals 2010 — he says he would no longer do such a thing, out of concern for his opponent’s feelings. Check out the second hour-long interview video below!
If you like BornFree’s interviews, check out his YouTube channel for even more of them!
Source: BornFree